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Microsoft Flow vs Azure Logic Apps...which tool is right for me?
Welcome to the course and agenda (2:51)
About This Course (1:27)
Who Is This Course For? (2:31)
Course Pre-requisites (0:51)
Instructor Introduction (3:30)
Microsoft Flow Features
Microsoft Flow Introduction (3:09)
PowerApps and CDS (5:03)
Microsoft Flow Portal Features (2:03)
Microsoft Flow Templates (2:43)
Microsoft Flow Connectors (3:19)
Demo: Microsoft Flow Portal (9:26)
Microsoft Flow Approvals (5:12)
Microsoft Flow Maker Analytics (2:22)
Microsoft Flow Buttons (5:53)
Demo: Microsoft Flow Approvals, Buttons, Notifications, Maker Analytics (11:22)
Microsoft Flow Sharing (5:28)
Demo: Microsoft Flow Sharing (3:42)
Microsoft Flow Application Lifecycle Management (3:53)
Microsoft Flow Governance (7:42)
Graduate Microsoft Flow to Azure Logic Apps (3:25)
Demo: Microsoft Flow ALM, Governance and Graduate Microsoft Flow (18:32)
Azure Logic Apps Features
Azure Logic Apps Introduction (3:23)
Azure Logic Apps Templates (1:47)
Azure Logic Apps Connectors (7:21)
Demo: Azure Portal, Templates and Connectors (12:57)
Azure Logic Apps Editing Experiences (2:59)
Azure Logic Apps Enterprise Integration Pack (4:48)
New Lecture
Azure Logic Apps Inline Code (2:38)
Demo: Azure Logic Apps Visual Studio, Integration Account and Inline Code (19:43)
Azure Logic Apps Integration Service Environment (7:10)
Azure Integration Services (3:42)
Demo: Azure Logic Apps / Azure API Management (13:11)
Azure Logic Apps Monitoring (4:10)
Demo: Azure Logic Apps Monitoring (15:03)
Azure Logic Apps Governance (6:30)
Demo: Resource Groups, Identity and Access Management and Data Retention (14:14)
Organizational Fit
The Battle (6:54)
Focusing on the Business (1:32)
Myths (4:09)
Organization Design (5:41)
Requirements Complexity (13:43)
Scaling your organization (4:27)
Microsoft Flow Solution Demos
Contractor Onboarding (12:04)
Document Generation (12:14)
Microsoft Flow Solution Common, or Unique, Characteristics (3:34)
Azure Logic Apps Demos
Employee Onboarding (10:31)
Cloud Governance - Azure Deployments (16:46)
Azure Logic Apps Common, or Unique, Characteristics (4:12)
Declaring the Winner
The Winner Is??? (3:47)
Bonus Content
Microsoft Flow - Copy to my clipboard (4:25)
Logic Apps - Secure Inputs and Secure Outputs (6:46)
Wrap Up and Additional Resources
Wrap Up and Additional Resources (3:29)
The Winner Is???
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